Friday, March 19, 2010

Been so busy....

...with a little one who makes getting up early easy... and who has forced me to learn the art of eating dinner in 5 seconds flat... and who every day, gets more and more a mind of his own.

If you asked me 3 weeks into Jack's life if I enjoyed being a mama.... I don't know what i would have said. His colicky little self threw me for a huge loop... I took his constant ... yes constant crying 100% personally - I thought he hated me, I thought I was a terrible mother. Turns out he just has a terrible stomach. But 10 weeks into his life things just got better, and now 10 months into his life, I find myself practically running through the doors of the little daycare he spends his days at so I can snatch him up.

I haven't had a lot of time to take pictures. I've been studying other photographer's work, and realized I just don't have the camera I need to take the shots i want to take. So... in about 20 years I'll have saved up enough spare change to buy the camera I want!

But in the mean time, I do want to introduce you to something that makes everyone laugh, makes my heart melt, and gets this little guy anything he wants (almost).

I give you...

...the lip.