Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A long lost blog post...and a little blessing

Yes, I still have a blog. You wouldn't know it, would you?

I must say, I've been less than inspired to write or take pictures for this page. Life is crazy at the moment.
But I had a conversation with my 3 year old yesterday that inspired me to type it out, and hopefully bless someone in the process (because it definitely blessed me).

Jack is taking swim lessons at our local YMCA, and for someone who usually has a very healthy fear of water, he's doing great. He loves it.

So last night after class, we picked up some dinner and drove home. On the way home, we had this conversation in the car.

Jack: Mommy, God told me to get really wet in the pool today!
Me: Really? Does God talk to you a lot?
Jack: Yeah.
Me: That's cool. What else does He say?
Jack: Tonight He said to be careful while I was swimming...
....and He said we make Him really happy.

It was such a needed reminder to me - that God DOES speak to us - and He loves to do it through our kids.  Why? Because kids have such open hearts - they're not questioning what God is doing, they don't question God's love for them.  I don't always understand God's will, or what He's doing in my life, but I'm thankful for reminders like this - that God's not some distant ruler who answers prayer when He wants to. He's our Father. Just like Matt and I love to watch Jack learn, laugh, and just be himself - God feels that way even more about us. We make God happy.  Sometimes I get so wrapped up in my own emotions that I forget that God has them too.  His love for us so exceeds the love we have for even our own kids. And I'm so thankful that even in the most random situations, God can remind me how He feels about me.