Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I feel like Dorothy...

...Because there seriously is no place like home. Last year, Jack's first Christmas, was spent in PA with my husband's family, and while it was a lot of fun, I've been so excited this year to be home for Christmas - I can't wait to wake Jack up and tell him it's Christmas. I know he's not even 2 yet and he still doesn't quite grasp everything going on, but I know he'll sense the excitement, and you KNOW he'll be all about ripping some paper off some boxes :-)

Right now he's currently in love with Elmo (who he calls "melmo"), and we found a cute stuffed Elmo (silent as the grave since it'll be something he sleeps with) that I can't wait for him to open.

All this will be even better if I can actually finish my shopping. It's shameful how behind I am.

Anyway, my friend Amber (who I've never actually met, but feel like I have since we've been friends online for like 5 or 6 years) tagged me to share 7 random things about myself. Sure, why not.

1. I have a small obsession with Mexican food.  In particular, tacos. I am to tacos as Santa is to cookies.  The Salsarita's near my work - I think they recognize me now.

2. Taco-obsession aside, I'm one year into a weight loss journey, and before the holidays, I was 23 lbs down. I'm taking December off (much like I took 2009 off), and in January I'll start training for a 10K, and I'm sure it'll help me lose the last 15-20 lbs.

3. When I've reached my 35 lb mark, I'm going to buy a pair of Buckle jeans as a reward. I never buy $100 jeans, but I think by then I'll have deserved it.

4. I'm slowly becoming a runner. My husband has done a couple marathons, and his dream is for us to do one together one day.  Fat. Chance. BUT - I have done a couple 5Ks now, and as I said we're both doing the Cooper Bridge Run 10K in Charleston in April. Maybe if I survive, I'll train for a half marathon. Or I'll die on the side of the road. I'm not sure which.

5. I am in love with Photography. Right now it's still just a serious hobby of mine, but if I can save enough money to purchase the camera I want, perhaps one day it can be more, God willing. But only God willing.

6.  I am also in love with all things Italy. We were blessed to be able to go in 2008 before Jack, and our goal is to go again the moment we've said goodbye to our kids as they head off to college. Seriously - we'll be packed and ready to go as we pull out of the University.

7. I love home. I used to love travelling, but now, I love being home.

Thanks Amber for tagging me!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Smiling Spatula

I've gotten the opportunity twice now to shoot for Marisa at Smiling Spatula. It's the first time I've taken pictures of food, and oh my - what wonderful food it is! If you have a sweet tooth, please, try Smiling Spatula. Speaking from experience, you'll go gaga over the chocolate chip cookie dough sandwiches, brownies, and more. Seriously, go now.





The Harris Family

This weekend I had the honor of shooting Christmas pictures for my friend Amy and her beautiful family. The Hewlett's and the Harris' go back awhile, way before we were chasing around toddlers together. And with the arrival of their second son, Avery, Christmas was the perfect time to catch up on some pictures.








Friday, December 3, 2010

Final Christmas Card!

All Of Us Christmas 5x7 folded card
Make a statement with Shutterfly Christmas photo cards.
View the entire collection of cards.