Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mr. Independent

People have told me ever since we had Jack, "Don't blink, or your baby will be a little boy."

I must have blinked.

My husband was out of town this weekend for work, and so Mr. Jack and I packed up on a beautiful Saturday afternoon and headed to the park for a date. Last time we were at this particular park, he wasn't even a year old. Now, we're almost 3 months away from turning two *deep breath*, and all I hear is, "Me do!"

When we got there, I had to keep him from sprinting away from me.

It was so crowded, but he didn't care one bit. He went straight for the swings, but once he was on, he kept looking down. Poor kid was afraid of the height.


Eventually the crowd got to him, and instead we hit the soccer fields and I let him run loose (I use the term loose loosely).

And when it got too cold and it was time to leave, I'm not going to lie - he wasn't happy about it. But eventually I forced gently coerced him back into the car, and we were homebound.

Trying hard this week not to blink.